Web Pages
Most of you probably know
about my band
for HATE
COLLIDE. I did these because I'm friends with the bands, and I had a
lot to say/display. Collide actually asked me to do the page
for them, until they can get their own Official one up and running.
Working on these pages has taught me a lot about graphics and HTML, and I'm
learning more every day. Unfortunately, I also spend a lot of time online or otherwise working on these pages and others, like my
: OnLine Music
Review & Interview 'Zine.
Then there's my fledgling
publicity &
racket ÜBEL
ENGEL PROMOTIONS which is always under construction.
been slacking
off on it (and all my pages) because I've been busy working too much
and getting myself in over my head, as usual.
I also used to take a lot
of pictures
for my old 'zine, Levity. Mostly "gothic"-type stuff. While I
can't stand the gothic "lifestyle/attitude" -- whatever they use as an excuse
to be annoying -- I do love the visual aspects, and yes, even some of
the music (REAL gothic music, like funeral procession-type stuff). Here are
of the photos I took way back when....
In addition to what I do for
the pages
above, I
LOVE working on graphics, just for the hell of it. I don't
claim to be an expert, but I can hold my own. Most of
this is either stuff I did "by accident" (experimenting with new applications,
filters, effects, etc., not intending for anything to come of it), stuff
I did because I had the idea and felt like "playing with my computer"
(It pisses me off when people say that -- all the time, no matter what I'm
doing -- I'm "playing" with my computer. It's not a fucking toy!!! I
don't even have any games on it. Video games are ALL good, but there's just
not enough room on my hard drive for the types of games I'd want to have
on it. That's what GameWorks and laser tag is for. Plus, if I DID have the
games I really want on here, I WOULD
always be playing with my computer, and I'd never get anything done. I could
breeching national
security here, or finding a
cure for AIDS.... and everybody thinks I'm "playing." Umm... Oh, yeah....),
or there's also stuff I did because I was asked to, or I had
a mission, a purpose, etc... like my freelance stuff for bands or the stuff
I do for the club I work at.
And I don't mean just listening
to it,
though I
do do that about 90% of the time I'm occupied in an activity that
doesn't require my full listening attention (which is often).
I also make music. Mostly I just work with keyboards and drum machines
and effects, and I record it directly onto my Mac with Macromedia SoundEdit
(Extra-special thanks to Christian. I love you, man!!). I have some really
rough sketches of
stuff I've developed over the past few months, which I've just recorded real
quick so I don't forget it. My hard drive isn't big enough to
do anything of CD-quality right now. And I really don't have all the equipment
I need at the moment to make the exact music I would like to make, so I just
kind of work with what I've got. We're working on it, though. My roommate
aeri and I have both contributed
to the "studio," and have worked on a lot
of stuff separately. We'll probably do something together someday. We've
both liked most of what the other has worked on. Once we have the money,
one of the things I really want to get (aside from a 9gb hard drive...) is
a real, nice bass
so I don't have to rely solely on synths. I mean, synth bass is ALL good,
but I like the sound and the feel of a real bass just as much or more. Anything
with more than four strings, though, and I get lost. I'm not really a guitar
bitch. We just got an XP-50 (synth/sequencer)a few months ago, so it makes
things easier than before when we just had the Prophecy and my little Yamaha
PSS-380 that I've had since I was 13. It also holds me over when my computer
is at work (which is pretty much ALL the time), since I can sequence and
save stuff for later, when I do have my computer back at home.
By the way, the projects I'm currently working on are
PX5 and geffnecht.
I'm also putting together a compilation, entitled
The Glory of
Destruction, which will feature some of my own music, as well as
music of several of my friends' bands and some people I've never met before
in my life. Basically, it's just a bunch of stuff I really like and think
should get some play. I'm also doing all the
publicity, promotions
and graphic
design for it.
| Murder
This should be
