
v 1.3

Q: Where did you get the graphics on your main page?

A: I got the big one off a T-shirt my friend aeri got me. I got the little one off a T-shirt my friend Oz got me. They saw the shirts in these two stores on the Ave. (University Way in Seattle), and immediately thought of me. Hrmm... I wonder why... ; )

Q: Who is AggroChik?

A: Depending on what you mean by this, you either 1) Really don't belong here, and need to ask yourself if you're really that much of a loser that you're wasting your time reading a page about someone you've never even heard of. My recommendation in this case would be that you spend some quality time getting to know yourself and where you are headed in life. Or 2) You know who "AggroChik" is, but mean to ask "Who is she in 'real' life?" In this case, I again advise you to spend some quality time getting to know yourself and stop worrying about what some cyberbitch's real name is. I would then tell you that you can call me just about anything you like, but I usually go by Veronica, Ronnie, Roni, Ve, Ver, and in some cases even Aggie or Aggro. Bitch always works, too.

Q: Where does AggroChik live?

A: Until recently, I lived in a cesspool of a town called Tacoma, in Washington state. It's about 45 miles South of the illustrious Seattle, where I now live. No, I don't know Eddie Vedder, Layne Staley, Jerry Cantrell, Chris Cornell, etc. I did meet Dave Grohl at the Ministry concert in May 1996 and he wouldn't stop shaking my hand and singing my name, like in that damned Elvis Costello song. I was also blessed with Courtney Cunt's presence in November, 1995, during which time I was exposed to all of Ms. Cunt's worldly wisdom on the music industry, being "the girl on the bus," starting a band, becoming famous, dating rock stars, and all the other stuff we all know Ms. Cunt is the authority on. She then proceeded to promise me that I could be just like her someday. NO thanks....

Q: How old is AggroChik? Other vital stats?

A: I'm 22 years old. My birthday is December 2, 1974. As for other stats, I am 5 ft. 4 in. tall, weigh about 120 lbs., have hypercolor hair (changes color often as of late, but is usually bright red), blue eyes, fair skin, and am known to dress in a variety of styles, from bondage babe to skater kid to technobrat to cyborgrrl... basically whatever's clean (or not visibly dirty).

Q: Is "AggroChik" just a 'net personality, or are you like that in "real" life?

A: What you are seeing is real. These are not re-creations, dramatizations, fairy tales, etc. If anything, AggroChik is a poorly-drawn cartoon in any reality, virtual or otherwise. I'm pretty much the same... though in real life, I spell much better than on -- say -- irc. You also have to deal with these strange faces I make, and weird laughs, kinda like Beavis... funny little noises... Mood swings, too: One minute I'm all bubbly; the next, I'm all pissy; the next, I'm... bubbling piss. It's really something.

Q: What does AggroChik's normal daily life consist of (school, work, etc.)?

A: I was attending Tacoma Community College, but after two years of classes with an intended major of Journalism, I realized that a degree in Journalism would get me exactly where I was already: doing sporadic freelance work for little or nothing (editors like to call it "experience" and say it looks good on a resume. I say it looks like a pushover when you let people do that to ya for 3 years...). I plan to enroll in University of Washington's Certificate in MultiMedia program this August -- provided I can obtain the funds.

In addition to all the web pages I design and maintain for my own company, Übel Engel Promotions, I also do promotions and publicity for several bands, and I'm starting a record label. I run the U.S. office of the Finnish Electro/Industrial record label Cyberware Productions, as well. I'm also in charge of in-house promotions, publicity and advertising for a local club called the Fenix (oh yeah... I do the web page, too). We're starting up Fenix Booking now, also, and we'll be booking out several local bands and eventually some from other states as well... primarily Industrial bands. I work a lot so I'm there all the time, especially on Thursdays, which are our live Industrial/Gothic Nights.

If I'm not at work, then I'm probably at home reading Burroughs or working on music. On Saturdays, I sometimes go to a club called the Catwalk for their Industrial Dance Night. On Sundays, I sometimes go to a club called the Vogue for Fetish Night. If I'm feeling expecially restless, I sometimes go to a club called Machine Werks after hours, but not often. I usually go home and work on music. I'm kind of obsessive about that... which sucks, because my computer is at work and all of the music equipment is at home, so I rarely get to do what I really want to do with the stuff I sequence on the XP-50. And I'm screwed if I do something on the Prophecy: you can't sequence or save on it. Every once in a while, I get to move my computer back home to record and stuff, but that's rare and inconvenient. Pity me.

When I'm not occupied with the above activities, I'm sleeping or eating way too much. I think it's gonna catch up with me someday. I just hope it's after I'm rich and can get liposuction.

Q: Does AggroChik have a significant other? What is he/she/it like?

A: I have yet to procure my better half. As of February 14, 1997, I have been single for three years. I don't believe in meaningless relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship, nor do I believe in having meaningless sex outside of a relationship. Of course, I also didn't believe that Marilyn Manson would hit the Billboard Top 40 and have a Buzz Clip on Mtv, and well... they did, so I guess anything can happen. I mainly like boys, by the way, and while I must admit a special feeling inside for Juliette Lewis, I am not attracted to females in general... though I will say that I find the female body much more aestetically pleasing than that of the male. Every once in a while, I have a thought or two about... ummm... you know... girls... but that's all they've been so far -- thoughts.

So that covers males and females of the human species... Other forms of life will be considered individually, though I can honestly say that I have yet to encounter another species that I would even remotely consider bedding down with... though there's always the possibility of cybernetic organisms (most of which are in human form anyway), especially if they look like Dolph Lundgren.

Q: What would he be like if AggroChik had a boyfriend?

A: Well, I'm not real particular when it comes to physical characteristics, except that he must be in decent shape, either height/weight proportionate (preferred) or skin & bones, like Jack Skellington (a weird fetish... so sue me... And yeah, Dolph Lundgren is an exception, being the big huge man that he is, but I'm entitled, ok?) He must be taller than me, preferrably at least 5'8". That's not asking too much. Of course, the taller the better. Eye color, hair color and style, etc. matters little, as long as he looks good. Personality is where I have the most prerequisites, and to publish this list would be quite the undertaking. We'll just cover the basics here (By the way, I hold close friends to these same high standards, and in most cases the more you fit this list, the closer I'm likely to get to you. Casual acquaintences, on the other hand, I don't give a shit about because I don't really have to deal with them.):

Have a question you'd like to see answered in the aggrofaq? Email me and I'll ignore you, as well.


Another fine page by AggroChik
Copyright (c) 1996-97 Übel Engel Promotions. Comments, questions & sugg